Massive, noble and majestic, the Newfoundland possesses an instinctive desire to bond with humankind, sprouting from his history as a natural water rescuer. The seafaring 'gentle giant' remains close man's side as a helper and companion both on land and on water. As the breed's colourful history relays, the Newfoundland has excelled as a fisherman's helper, a water lifesaver, a canine postman, a draught and carting dog and beyond. For the owner requiring a useful companion dog, whose devotion and friendship with humankind are unsurpassed, the Newfoundland is a brilliant choice. This book provides the much-needed factual information about the Newfoundland and their ancestry, character and standard, as well as the proper selection, feeding, training, preventative health care and behaviour of the breed. The new owner will welcome advice about puppy-proofing the home, preparing for the pup's arrival and preventing puppy problems. In addition to an extremely authoritative text, this book presents over 135 photographs in full colour, which prove to be as informative as they are attractive. Helpful hints and important information are highlighted to provide easy access to everything the reader needs to know about life with a Newfoundland. Whether it's house-training problems, allergies or fleas, this book is the way to prevention, proving the reader with the necessary guidance an owner needs from puppyhood through the senior years. recommended by top breeders and trainers, this book is the responsible first choice of every new owner of a Newfoundland. Topics discussed include: