All about Specialist Variety Budgerigars is the eighth book in a series which covers the whole range of established Budgerigar varieties. Each book features the views and methods of the world’s top breeders of the varieties.
For Specialist Varieties every expert is a top winner with his or her variety. They are:
Steve Amos: puts forward his views on Greywings.
John Monks: answers questions about Clearwings; Yellow-wings and Whitewings.
Peter Hallam: giving advice on Dilutes; Yellows and Whites.
Mike Widdowson: reveals his way with Crests.
Margaret Young: explains her approach to Fallows.
Ken Gray: on the revival of the Slate.
Bob Travnicek: tells of his experiences with Clearbodies.
Jeff Attwood: on the complexities of Yellowfaces.